

2020 at ibih AG

Realization of thermal images of buildings in order to detect heat loss. This work position requires a strong sense of customer contact to interact with the client in Switzerland both in French and German. Flexibility and management skills are also necessary to follow the schedule while managing the many unexpected events such as wheater and client preferences.

Student Assistant Physics

2012 - 2015 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Help and support students to solve and understand courses material and exercises for the course of general physics. This position requires a strong understanding of the course material in the multiple physics theme addressed during the course such as fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, wave phenomena and fundamentals of quantum physics.

Student Assistant Programming and Algorithm

2012 - 2015 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Help and support students to understand courses material and practical exercises for the course of Programming and Algorithm. The goal of this position is to support the students to achieve the various practical exercises of this class. Support for the final semester project is also a big important part of this job since the students have to submit a personal work using all the content seen during the course. The subject of this class addresses first a broad range of topic ranging from understanding the basics of algorithms, data structures or data storage, formatting and usage. The second part focuses more on practical development and implementation of this knowledge using C++, Matlab and Labview.

Ski instructor for schools

2012 - 2015 at Service cantonal des sports Neuchâtelois

Supervise and teach young students between 10 and 12 years old during their annual mountain week. This position requires an excellent physical and ski level as well as a robust pedagogic skill to manage and teach a group of children on the ski slope during the day and back at the cantonment during the evening activities.

Archiving and Metadata Team Member

2013 at MetaMedia Center EPFL

The goal of this position is to index songs and their metadata and merge concerts for effective playback, navigation and discovery of the Montreux Jazz Festival digital archive. This work is done with the objectives to valorize and sustain the vast database of audio-visual content recorded during the Montreux Jazz Festival since 1967. However, even if it was the best technology at the time, most of this archive was build around now deprecated analogue technologies. For this reason, a considerable effort was made first to digitize the database and then index it. This second part, which was the focus of this position, requires a good understanding of data management and audio editing.

Student Assistant Mechanical Design

2012 - 2013 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Help and support students to understand courses material and practical exercises for the class of mechanical design. This course focuses on the design principles used in mechanical engineering and how to implement them effectively. The tool of choice in this class, besides manual drawing, is CATIA from Dassault System. At the end of this class and with the help of the assistants, the students can correctly implement a design in this software to generate accurate blueprints which can be used in the manufacturing of mechanical parts. This course also includes a semester project in which the students have to redraw the manufacturing print of a chosen mechanism such as a small engine or clutch.

Farm Hand

2010 - 2013 at Lavanchy vins

Work in the vineyard and help in the many tasks required in order to produce grape and wine ranging from shearing, deploy bird nets or bottle the wine.

Sport trainer

2008 - 2011 at Gym la Coudre

Artistic gymnastic trainer and manager of a group of young from 8 to 10 years old. Creation and training of group choreography to improve the physical skills and coordination of the gymnasts and to participate in the local competitions.

Squad Leader / Intelligence and Telematic Specialist / Accountant

2010 at Swiss Army

As commanders’ assistants, soldiers at the command level are responsible for processing and disseminating information, preparing maps, reports, sketches and other documents. As intelligence and telematics specialists, they accompany commanders and their mobile operating echelon in the framework of engagements and support them in updating situation maps.

The troop accountant is individually responsible for troop accounting at the company level. He is also engaged in support of the quartermaster for various works.