Education and Certifications

Master of Science in General Management

2019 - 2021 at Université de Neuchâtel - Faculty of Economics and Business

This programme provide students with a solid foundation in core management disciplines so that they master the key concepts and fundamental tools. Students further develop the critical-thinking that is crucial in decision-making and the skillset that boosts their performances in a managerial context.

By the end of this programme, students are able to analyse how the political, economic and social environment impacts the development and performance of firms. They can use appropriate tools and methods to identify, evaluate and solve real-life business problems. With these tools, the students can participate in the decision-making process in a critical and ethical way and work effectively with others, capitalizing on their different thinking, experience, and skills.

Master of Science in Automotive and Combustion Engine Technology

2016 - 2019 at Technische Universität München

The automotive field is one of the most important ones at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Almost every institute is involved via a most diverse range of projects.

In addition to vehicle and usage concepts, particular emphasis is also placed on the powertrain, driver assistance systems as well as the use of new materials and the production process. One focal area is how to ensure the viability of individual transport through efficient vehicles in the face of increasing resource shortages.

The Munich metropolitan area probably has the highest density of prestigious car manufacturers in the world, a very important factor for this field. Key scientific challenges lie in understanding combustion processes and the properties of materials.

Master thesis

More information on my master thesis can be found in the project section.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

2015 - 2019 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Building up on a thorough and multidisciplinary curriculum, the teaching provided within the Mechanical Engineering Master’s program at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne emphasizes the acquisition of broad knowledge and skills while offering specialization opportunities. It thus provides preparation both to careers in the private sector and to scientific research activities.

Based on fundamental scientific knowledge and engineering know-how, the program develops competences in fluid and solid mechanics, biomechanics, automation, production systems and energy-related topics. It also fosters skills in advanced computation modeling and problem solving techniques.

As a general guideline, the Master in Mechanical Engineering at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne consists of two components equalling 120 credits. The first 90 credits provide the foundation of your engineering knowledge from a choice of courses and projects in six specific domains called “specializations”. Two other domains, Automobile and Aerospace, are available with double degree. The last 30 credits are related to a Master’s thesis project.

Specializations in Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Solid and structural mechanics is part of mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid objects, usually deformable, which cannot be reduced to a material point. The basic problem here is to understand, model and analyze the behavior of deformable solids and their assemblies (structures) in order to predict their operating/working limits and optimize their performance.

In particular, solid mechanics is applied in professional fields related to transport (cars, public transport, ships), aerospace (aircrafts, launch vehicles, satellites), energy production (turbines, power plants, wind), sports technology, biomedical applications (implants, devices), material technology (composite materials), design methods and tools (machines, processes, machining).

Minor in Space Technologies

In order to foster and promote the awareness of space technologies and applications among students, EPFL offers since 2005 a Minor in Space Technologies, hosted by the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Section (SEL).

The main goals of the Minor in Space Technologies aret to offer students the possibility to strengthen their knowledge in the space area as well as to promote space applications, technology and science based on the large interest raised by space. This minor also foster a strong teaching in the space sector in parallel to the development of academic and research projects at EPFL.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)

2016 at LabVIEW Academy EPFL

The Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer Certification indicates a broad working knowledge of the LabVIEW environment, a basic understanding of coding and documentation best practices, and the ability to read and interpret existing code.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

2011 - 2015 at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

The Bachelor program at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne is made up of a series of coordinated courses, exercises, applied work and projects that are designed to give students a solid foundation in engineering fundamentals. There are two components in the program; a one-year “propédeutique”, or foundation cycle, and a two-year bachelor cycle, together totaling 180 credits (respectively 60 credits and 120 credits).

During the first year, students acquire a strong scientific foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry and informatics. The bachelor cycle introduces specific courses dedicated to engineering techniques where the students gradually acquire the tools and methods of engineering work.

The bachelor is an intermediate diploma It’s the passport to start the master cycle, either at EPFL or in another university anywhere in the world.

B2 First | Cambridge English

2010 at EC English London

The Intensive English course offered at EC English develops confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing English. This international school also exposes the students to different cultures and broaden their worldview at the same time as their communication skills.

In addition to the general English course, the intensive Cambridge B2 First Exam preparation classes push the limits of the students. This qualification proves they have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study on courses taught in English.


2007 - 2010 at Lycée Denis-de-Rougemont

Dans un temps où le critère de la qualité est omniprésent, l’accès aux Universités et aux Écoles polytechniques ou à d’autres formations supérieures passe par des études gymnasiales solides, certifiées par une maturité reconnue dans toute la Suisse.

Le lycée vise donc à promouvoir le projet de l’élève et à responsabiliser celui-ci dans la préparation de son avenir personnel et professionnel.

Au travers de disciplines particulières et de domaines d’études reliés dans une approche interdisciplinaire, le Lycée Denis-de-Rougemont propose à l’élève d’étendre ses connaissances, de valoriser son travail personnel, d’affirmer son aptitude à la recherche, au questionnement et à la communication, de développer sa perception personnelle de la société et du monde.

Physics and Applied Mathematics

Cette option spécifique est destinée aux élèves qui choisissent une orientation résolument scientifique et qui souhaitent une solide formation pour entrer dans une école polytechnique ou dans une faculté des sciences. Les mathématiques niveau 2 sont obligatoires pour suivre cette option voie.

La physique favorise la curiosité intellectuelle, l’ouverture d’esprit et forme l’esprit critique. Elle incite à une prise de distance par rapport à nos intuitions premières, parfois trompeuses,et fournit les éléments nécessaires à la compréhension desphénomènes naturels. Elle met de plus en perspective la place du savoir moderne dans son contexte historique tout en préparant l’étudiant à assimiler ses responsabilités face à l’environnement et à la société.

Les applicationsdes mathématiques permettent de se familiariser avec des méthodes mathématiques liées à la résolution de problèmes concrets tout en éveillant la curiosité, l’intuition et l’esprit critique. Si les mathématiques définissent les concepts, élaborent des théories et produisent des techniques pour décrire les phénomènes, les applications des mathématiques illustrent la portée des instruments mathématiques dans des domaines tels que la physique, l’architecture, l’économie, la biologie ou encore l’informatique. Il est important de préciser que les applications des mathématiques au Lycée Denis-de-Rougemont se font à l’aide d’un ordinateur et demandent l’apprentissage d’un langage de programmation.

Complementary Option Sport

L’option complémentaire diversifie l’orientation définie par l’option spécifique et les disciplines fondamentales. L’option sport permet à l’élève d’approfondir ses connaissances théoriques du fonctionnement du corps, d’avoir un œilcritique sur le rôle du sport dans notre société ou encore d’acquérir les bases de la nutrition sportive.